BCI Scientific Working Group Meets in Copenhagen, Denmark

The Blue Carbon Initiative Scientific Working Group met in Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 9-13, 2019. The meeting was held concurrently with a Nordic Blue Carbon Workshop and was hosted by an organizing committee including representatives of the following partner organizations: Aarhus University, Åbo Akaden University, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Stockholm University, GRID-Arendal, and the University of Southern Denmark.

At the meeting, the working group members shared new research and focused on four major areas: 1.) launching a Nordic Blue Carbon network 2.) defining a research agenda for determining the potential of kelp as a blue carbon ecosystem 3.) determining information needs for the inclusion of blue carbon in Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement; and 4.) refining the knowledge of blue carbon (BC) stocks and rates of sequestration through considering the implications of sea level rise, the contributions of other fluxes like methane, and lateral transfer to the coastal ocean.

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