Guayaquil, Ecuador - June 2015
The Blue Carbon Initiative’s Policy Working Group held a workshop on 23-25 June in Guayaquil, Ecuador. 50 participants from around the world joined the discussion, either in person or remotely and shared lessons learnt from national and project level implementation efforts on blue carbon.
A focus was given on the evaluation of the applicability and specific relevance of the range of existing, and potentially new, financing mechanisms as tools for supporting coastal blue carbon conservation and restoration. These include incentive mechanisms like NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) or national initiatives such as Ecuador’s Socio Manglar or Debt-for-Nature Swaps. Participants sought synergies between mitigation and adaptation approaches as a key step for supporting blue carbon implementation and financing.
The workshop involved participants from Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Madagascar, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, the United States and the United Arab Emirates. It was hosted by the Ministry of Environment in Ecuador, in collaboration with CI-Ecuador. The workshop was also partly funded by the GEF Blue Forest project, a four-year project, combining research, policy development, technical advice and practical tools coupled with small-scale interventions (SSIs) to demonstrate how the incorporation of carbon and other ecosystem services values into local and national financial markets and coastal management plans can ensure the long-term protection of “Blue Forest” (coastal) ecosystems.
More Info
Presentations (member content available on Google Drive)