Paris, France – October 2013
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hosted the latest Blue Carbon Initiative Scientific Working Group meeting October 29-30, 2013 in their offices in Paris, France. This two-day meeting brought together the research community to assess the state of remote sensing science internationally and to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for collaborations that will accelerate research in the future.
This meeting offered an opportunity for the scientific community to help shape the path forward in addressing remote sensing and mapping issues related to sea grasses, marshes, and mangroves. Meeting attendees took an active role in considering the current state of the science and planning future opportunities for the research community as a whole. See the agenda for more details.
The organizing committee has laid out four primary goals for the meeting:
Strengthen scientific collaboration and minimize duplication of efforts
Synthesize current state of knowledge, identify major uncertainties, and discuss the way forward
Promote effective data management and sharing
Identify outstanding research questions
More Info
Presentations (member content on Google Drive)